CrossFit Gear

CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that involves a variety of functional movements performed at a high level of intensity.

Here are 15 fitness products that can help you with your CrossFit training.

CrossFit Shoes:

CrossFit shoes are designed to provide support and stability during high-intensity workouts. Some popular brands include Reebok, Nike, and Inov-8.

Jump rope:

Jumping rope is a popular form of cardio in CrossFit. A high-quality jump rope like the Rogue Fitness SR-1 Speed Rope can help you improve your double-unders and overall jump rope technique.

Resistance bands:

Resistance bands can be used for a variety of exercises to improve strength and mobility. The WODFitters Resistance Bands Set is a popular choice for CrossFit athletes.

Foam roller:

Foam rolling can help reduce muscle soreness and improve mobility. The TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller is a highly rated foam roller that is commonly used by CrossFit athletes.

Weightlifting belt:

A weightlifting belt can help support your lower back during heavy lifts. The Harbinger 4-Inch Nylon Weightlifting Belt is a popular choice among CrossFit athletes.

Weightlifting shoes:

Weightlifting shoes are designed to provide a stable base for lifting heavy weights. The Reebok Legacy Lifter and Nike Romaleos 4 are popular choices for CrossFit athletes.

Hand grips:

Hand grips can help protect your hands during exercises like pull-ups and toes-to-bar. The Bear KompleX 3-Hole Hand Grips are a popular choice for CrossFit athletes.


Kettlebells are a versatile tool for building strength and improving conditioning. The Rep Fitness Kettlebells are a popular choice for CrossFit athletes.

Medicine ball:

Medicine balls can be used for a variety of exercises to improve power and core strength. The Rogue Fitness Medicine Balls are a popular choice for CrossFit athletes.

Power sled:

Power sleds can be used to improve speed and power. The Rogue Dog Sled 1.2 is a popular choice for CrossFit athletes.


Chalk can help improve your grip and prevent your hands from getting sweaty during exercises like deadlifts and pull-ups. The FrictionLabs Loose Chalk is a popular choice for CrossFit athletes.

Mobility ball:

A mobility ball can be used for self-massage and to target specific areas of tightness in your muscles. The MobilityWOD Supernova 2.0 is a highly rated mobility ball used by many CrossFit athletes.

Wrist wraps:

Wrist wraps can provide additional support for your wrists during exercises like overhead presses and handstand push-ups. The Stoic Wrist Wraps are a popular choice for CrossFit athletes.


The Abmat can help improve your core strength and support your lower back during exercises like sit-ups and crunches. The Rogue Fitness Abmat is a popular choice for CrossFit athletes.

Climbing rope:

Climbing ropes are a challenging and effective way to build upper body and grip strength. The Rogue Fitness Climbing Ropes are a popular choice for CrossFit athletes.

Remember, these products are only tools to help you improve your performance, and it’s important to focus on proper technique and safety when performing any CrossFit workout. Always consult with a certified CrossFit coach and listen to your body to prevent injury and maximize your results.